How to restore Fake Email that has stopped working
Our email service supports any domains. If the domain is configured correctly then the mail should arrive. Fake email service currently does not block any domains and only users decide whether to use this service. Therefore, we try to provide the simplest and the shortest possible instructor how to find out if the fake mail that worked previously did not work anymore.
Step 1.
Try to use the utility Fake email domain debugger. For an example 1, check the domain
Start testing the domain:
Search for nameservers...
2 names servers found.
Ask MX records on server
> priority: 10 MX server:
Ask MX records on server
> priority: 10 MX server:
Domain has incorrect settings.
In this example, we see that the domain has names servers and name servers have mail server records. So we see that the domain is configured to work with other email service. (Go to step 2)
Example 2.
Check the domain
Start testing the domain:
Search for nameservers...
2 names servers found.
Ask MX records on server
Error! No mail server found.
Ask MX records on server
Error! No mail server found.
Error (309)! Name servers have different records.
Domain has incorrect settings.
The domain has name servers but they do not have any mail system records. (Go to step 2)
Example 3.
Check the domain
Start testing the domain:
Search for nameservers...
The server did not provide nameservers, an attempt to find the nameservers in SOA.
Error (263)! We did not find names servers.
This means that the domain is inactive on the Internet. (Go to step 3)
Step 2.
If you are the domain owner then you can use the instructions to set up fake email. If you are not the owner then you will not be able to do anything. You do not have access to change the settings, unless you try to ask the domain owner to correct it.
Step 3.
The domain does not provide the correct answer at the highest level of the Internet.
The most common cases:
- Domain owner is not renewal domain and registration expired
In this case, wait for the domain to be available for re-registration and become the new owner of the domain.
- Domain does not belong to anyone and is free to register
Register it and become a domain administrator.
- The domain has been causing a violation of someone's rights and has been blocked until the situation is resolved.
Here is the question of the human factor, the domain administrator must solve this question with the domain registrar.
- The domain registrar for some reason has blocked the domain.
This is usually also a human factor. Domain administrators may notice a violation of the domain use rules and take any action at their discretion. This often happens when using free domains. Conclusion, do not use free domains.
To find out what kind of case with a specific domain you need to find WHOIS information. Each root domain has its own WHOIS database, but most domains can be checked here: (For domain like .tk .ml .ga .cf .gq
If the record is not found then most likely the domain is available for registration, if the record is found, look for the section "Domain Status:".
Related entries:
Fake Email domain stopped working, what to do?
Fake email domain debugger
Add new fake email domain name